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April Showers Classic

ann arbor, MI

April 12-13,2025

All teams must register online to be put on the schedule. A text or email is not considered registering for this event. (NO EXCEPTIONS)

Due to this being pool play into bracket play, we will not be accepting any scheduling request. Do not text or email. NO EXCEPTIONS



Complete Rosters Are MANDATORY For All 8th grade thru 17U Teams... NO EXCEPTIONS... We will Not Accept Incomplete Rosters. If a roster is not submitted, you will not receive coaches' credentials (NO EXCEPTIONS) at CHECK-IN & Coaches will pay the spectator fee to enter the event.

All Coaches Must Check-In at the site of their first game from 7:00 am-4 pm before their first game to receive your coaches' packet, which will include playing rules, 2 Coaches' Passes & 1 Scorekeeper Pass... (Coaches Will Not Be Allowed To Check-In in at no other venue)

Directors and Head Coaches, please make sure whoever picks up your coaches' packet issues bands to your staff. If any coach does not have their credentials, they will be charged as a Spectator and will not receive a refund.




Admission Prices (CASH or CASH APP ONLY)

Adult Weekend Pass: $35.00
Student Weekend Pass: $25.00
Adult Saturday Day Pass: $20.00
Adult Sunday Day Pass: $20.00
Student Saturday Day Pass: $15.00
Student Sunday Day Pass: $15.00
Adult 18 & Over; Students ages 6-17
5 & Under Free